Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ISO Teammates?

Anyone still looking for another teammate? Or a team to join? Post a comment below and let others know you're looking.

I hear there is an experienced navigator and RD looking for a team to race with. Anyone want to add him to your team?


  1. Just letting you all know that I just got a great deal at God's Country Outfitter's.. Call 704-983-7373... They will drop off and pick up..

  2. Hi All;

    Looking forward to the nite nav w the Impossible Panther course!!

    Need a teammate or join a team; my regular can't make it !!

    Todd/nav person - are you still available ??

    Please call: 866-266-0061 or email:

    I've done several AR's -- bike well/paddle well/nav well - don't run so good !! -- in the dark is a new game - looking forward to the challenge !

  3. Csak egyéni kölcsönt és egy Pedro Jerome úr és az ő hitelszervezetének jogosult kölcsönét kértem 3% -os kamatlábbal. A jövő hónapban megkezdem a kölcsön -visszafizetést Pedro Jerome a címen az egyéni vagy jogosult hitelekhez, amelyek egyszerű kölcsön -visszafizetéssel rendelkeznek, mint az enyém.
