Thursday, April 8, 2010

Welcome to the Impossible Panther AR for 2010!

Welcome to the Impossible Panther AR website! Those of you who have been adventure racing in NC for several years may be familiar with the IPAR from past events. In 2010, the IPAR will be a 12 hour overnight sport length adventure race! 

The 2010 version of the Impossible Panther AR will be good for intermediate adventure racers to hone their night nav skills, but it will be doable for new racers as well. What could be more fun than riding, paddling, and trekking with a few friends through the night to find your way to the checkpoints?

If you haven't already signed up as a Racer on the Checkpoint Tracker website, do it now. Once you and your teammates have completed the free registration, you can create your Team and add the Impossible Panther AR to your Team Schedule. Registration for this event will be processed through the Checkpoint Tracker website.

Check back soon for more details!!


  1. Dear Bushwhack,
    Trying to register on CPT but no "Google checkout" button is visible. Just need to give it a couple of days??? Don't want to miss this one! Thanks,
    Scheidt Bros...

  2. Dear Bushwhack,
    OK, it took me a couple of days to figure it out. Doesn't bode well for our performance in the race now does it...
    See you on race day,
    Scheidt Bros...

  3. Csak egyéni kölcsönt és egy Pedro Jerome úr és az ő hitelszervezetének jogosult kölcsönét kértem 3% -os kamatlábbal. A jövő hónapban megkezdem a kölcsön -visszafizetést Pedro Jerome a címen az egyéni vagy jogosult hitelekhez, amelyek egyszerű kölcsön -visszafizetéssel rendelkeznek, mint az enyém.
